Your next suitcase will be connected …

With, among other things, the hope of ultimately reducing baggage losses at airports, the start-up Bluesmart connects your suitcase via an application. .

The more you travel, the greater the risk of losing your suitcase at the airport. Every day about 90,000 suitcases are lost around the world. Mistaken labelling, change of correspondence schedules, carpet error, fallen suitcase, abandoned, in short the causes are multiple.

Faced with such a scourge, luggage manufacturers have been working for a few years now on the possibility of geolocating their suitcases. According to the British newspaper Daily Mail, Samsonite has made an agreement with Samsung to develop a suitcase capable of geolocating itself. Bluesmart keeps a little bit ahead, but for how long.

How does it work? How does it work?

With a connection to the telephone network and a mini tag, the suitcase is located via GPS. It is thus able to send a message on its owner’s telephone as soon as it disembarks from the aircraft or on the conveyor belt in the airport to indicate its position at all times.

After an experimental period, the first intelligent suitcases are now in stores for 550 €, still a bit expensive but this colossal market potentially affects billions of travellers. Air France and KLM already sell its smart case concept via an electronic label and a Smartphone application for around 100 euros.
The problem is that all major airlines are creating their own applications, which could very quickly become unmanageable for regular air transport users.

The Emirates and Lufthansa companies are working on a suitcase that could register itself. It would contact the company directly to indicate its weight and destination.


The Bluesmart start-up, seems to have a lead over these main competitors. .

The first Bluesmart suitcases were delivered to Fnac, which is the reference for the product. More than a year after the participative fundraising campaign, which raised nearly 2 million euros, we learn that a superior model will soon be offered to the market.

In addition to being tracked, the luggage will indicate its weight and can be locked remotely thanks to a mobile application.

The Delsey brand does not want to fall behind and develops a project called Pluggage.

In order to best meet the needs of travellers, the manufacturer asked the Internet users to indicate what additional features they would like to have, such as fingerprint locking or the integrated scale so as not to exceed the weight limits imposed by airlines.

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