
Travel sites: the secrets of a good natural referencing

It is not easy for a commercial site to get a good « natural referencing » on a search engine. Specialists exist and try to find solutions. But you have to be patient. We wanted to use simple terms in this article because not all of our readers are experts in the field.

How to be well placed on a search engine like Google

This is the question most business owners ask themselves. There are some terms to know to discuss with the marketing manager of the site or with the SEO agency. The first term is SEO which stands for « Search Engine Optimization ».
It is in fact the art of positioning a site, a web page or an application in the first natural results of search engines. In French, SEO is designated by the term » référencement naturel ».

A very complex work

According to the site www.definitions-marketing.com, » several hundred criteria are taken into account by the Google algorithm. The nature of
these criteria and their importance vary over time as Google’s algorithm and filters evolve. »

 » SEO is now declined into local SEO, SEO video, SEO images, SEO news, etc. « .

The major areas of natural SEO or SEO are :
1- Technical or infrastructure elements (domain name, crawl optimization, code compliance, etc.)
2 – Content optimization elements of pages (on-page SEO)
3 – The development and optimization of external links (backlinks) through netlinking practices.

If your site is already developed, an audit of a specialized company is necessary

A recent and interesting study is that of www.enavionsimone.com, one of the companies that helps to improve the SEO of your site and thus of its audience. They have the particularity of having worked for various tourism companies. This is not insignificant.

« They conducted an SEO analysis on the 250 main destinations in France and abroad, and on the 50 most frequent searches of travelers for a dream trip (information and merchant : hotels, restaurants, weather, guides, travel, weekends, tailor-made, rentals, outings, activities, events, gîtes, plane tickets, maps, etc.), i.e. more than 100,000 searches analysed, more than 15,000 domains, and here are the natural results
(excluding brand traffic) » .

As the company points out, this is a global approach to travellers and their generic expectations. On each theme, the result must be nuanced.

The Top 10 in number of relative occurrences of the domain in the results

1. tripadvisor.com – 100% – the best site in SEO
2. routard.com – 51%.
3. expedia.fr – 21 %
4. en.hotels.com – 19%
5. cityzeum.com – 19% (SEO made by enavionsimone)
6. promovacances.com – 17 %
7. booking.com – 17%.
8. sejour.lastminute.com – 16 %
9. en.wikipedia.org – 12%.
10. liligo.com – 11 %

« The occurrence keyword is the number of times a keyword appears in the text of a web page. The occurrence of a keyword is taken into account by Google and search engine algorithms through the calculation of a density index because it is normally a strong indicator of the theme of a page.  »

Top 10 of relative visibility (number of occurrences x ranking of positions). An interesting result is the weighted natural visibility (excluding
brand), by integrating the position

1. tripadvisor.fr – 100 %
2. routard.com – 39%
3. promovacances.com – 14 %
4. expedia.fr – 14 %
5. en.hotels.com – 14%.
6. cityzeum.com – 13 %
7. sejour.lastminute.com – 11 %
8. en.wikipedia.org – 10 %
9. booking.com – 10%.
10. liligo.com – 9 %

Not being in the top ten is not dramatic. Natural referencing cannot be improvised. Companies that promise you mountains and wonders in this field are to be proscribed. We will soon talk about some tricks to improve its referencing on the web.

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