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To end the dark circles on vacation !

The dark circles affect almost everyone at some point in their lives. The causes are multiple: genetics, aging, allergies, stress, fatigue, tobacco…

How to make dark circles disappear ? Discover these 9 grandmother remedies to take care of your eye contour area.

The Potato Cataplasm

Grate and crush a raw potato. Place this mixture between two pieces of cotton. Place this cataplasm on your dark circles for 15 minutes. The potato has whitening agents that will naturally reduce your dark circles.

[1]The honey

Mix 1 teaspoon of acacia honey with 100 ml of warm water. Soak two cotton pads with this mixture. Leave in front of your eyes for about 10 minutes. Rinse with clean water.

Green tea bags

When drinking green tea with your friends, don’t throw your bags away! Let them cool in the refrigerator for 5 minutes. Then place one sachet under each eye for 15 minutes, then remove them. This natural treatment will reduce dark circles.

Frozen spoons

The day before, put two spoons in the refrigerator. The next day, you can use these to put them before your eyes.

[2]Ice cubes

Take a cloth and put two ice cubes in it. Pass them over your eyelids.

A gel mask for the eyes

Put your mask in the freezer. Place it on your eyes for 5 minutes.

The cucumber

Cucumber slices have been used for centuries by our grandmothers to reduce puffiness and dark circles under the eyes. Cut two slices of cucumber, leave to cool for at least 1 hour in the refrigerator. Lengthen your head slightly raised and place a slice of cucumber on each eye for 10 to 15 minutes, keeping your eyes closed.

Coffee grounds

Mix in a bowl 1 tsp. yogurt, 1 tsp. coffee grounds and a few drops of lemon juice. Refrigerate for several hours. You can now apply your « home concealer » in front of your eyes. Leave on for 15 minutes, pus rinse.

The milk

Soak two compresses of milk. Leave for 10 minutes in front of the eyes.