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General Confinement in Greece

Since 23 March this year, Greece has been under total containment throughout its territory until 6 April. All citizens and residents in Greece must remain at home (with a few exceptions). Offenders face a fine of 150 euros.

Authorised travel includes: travelling to and from work, buying food, visiting the doctor, buying medicines, travelling to help a person in need, banking (strictly when transactions cannot be carried out online), walking one’s pet or exercising outdoors (alone or in pairs maximum).

Those who are travelling must carry identification with them. They must also carry a special document explaining the reason for the outing. The document can be obtained online at www.forma.gov.gr (the website will be available from Sunday evening).

Private vehicles may travel for the above reasons, with only the driver (who must obtain the special document explaining the reason for travel) and a maximum of one other person.

Citizens travelling to their main place of residence are exempted from the measure until their arrival at their destination. Strict controls will be carried out at tolls on motorways. Drivers travelling for leisure will be fined and sent home.

Access to all playgrounds, parks and marinas is prohibited.

The implementation of the containment measure will be monitored by the Greek authorities. Athens and Thessaloniki will also be monitored from the air using helicopters and UAVs.