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Can Japan still save its tourism ?

JNTO statistics for the year 2019, released on 19 March, show that 31,882,049 visitors visited Japan last year, an increase of 2.2% over 2018, and a new record number of visits. JNTO statistics for the year 2019, released on 19 March, show that 31,882,049 visitors visited Japan last year, an increase of 2.2% over 2018, and a new record number of visits.

In the framework of the fight against the Coronavirus (Covid-19), the Government of Japan has adopted new measures concerning entry into its territory.
On 24 March, the list of regions/countries whose visitors are banned from entering Japanese territory was updated.

It includes China, South Korea, Iran, Egypt and 18 countries in Europe: Andorra, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Estonia, France, Germany, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Malta, Monaco, the Netherlands, Norway, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland and the Vatican.

For the countries concerned by this ban, visas issued by the Embassy of Japan or consulates are suspended. More information on the website of the Embassy of Japan in France: https://www.fr.emb-japan.go.jp/itprtop_fr/index.html